Friday, October 21, 2016

Article found by clicking here.

This article can be found on the Smirkingchimp weblog site.

It is a commentary written by blogger William Rivers Pitt, in it, he discusses his thoughts and experiences while watching the 3rd Debate that was aired on 10/19/16.

I have not viewed the 3rd debate myself yet, I have watched some minutes on it from Youtube just now though, the comments he made about the debate, closely resemble some thoughts I had about the debate.

He described the whole debate as "a slow devolution into garbled nonsense". If I had continued to watch the entirety of it, that is likely what it would have turned into. Pitt also described some other things that happened within the day and week of the debate, including a wall of taco trucks surrounding the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas, and a bit about President Obama's Kenyan half-brother accepting an invitation from the Trump to attend the debate event.  I found that to be nice to include in the blog article, a nice addition of more details and stories about politics. I one day wish my house to be surrounded by taco trucks just as Trump's Hotel was, sounds more like a blessing than a hindrance. 

The vocabulary and diction of the article was friendly, formal. Appropriate to any audience, whether a Trump or Hillary supporter. Though at times, it might have appeared to be leaning more on the side of an article supporting Hillary subtly. 

All in all, I think its an adequate article to read into, the blog itself has many similar articles and posts by other bloggers. Seems like a good place to get opinionated, unbiased (to a degree) information about political events in the country of the USA.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Link to the article shown above.

The article "Global Trade War, Trump Edition" featured on the New York Times is an opinion piece which critiques the Donald's free trade plan.

The articles audience seems to be intended to any voter that stumbles upon the piece, but mainly, for swing voters and Hillary voters, or perhaps to dismay some Trump voters.

The article itself though, does a well job of describing Trump's plans for free trade and shows it in a negative light. The writer cites historians, economists and a director of a "Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch" These knowledgeable individuals all agree that Trump's plan for free trade could be ruinous to the US economy. The author provides us with plenty of links to Trump's plans and sources of past news stories and political deals. He ties his whole argument neatly.

This article is very critical of Trump and his plan, and it's for a reason. Quoted data from world trade statistics and the various quotes and thoughts of different experts of World Trade are what I think make this article viable and presentable. If it did not have those 2 not much data and supporting information would be available and the article would not be of much use, only the authors own credibility would make the article stronger had he not the vital information (data, expert quotes, links, etc).

I do think that there might have been TOO many quotes from trade experts, I personally would have liked to know more about what the free trade policies would do exactly and how they would affect countries peronsally, but the link to Trump's own page about the policies were the only information I had available with the article.