Friday, December 2, 2016

Look at the gov't today

It's now  the 2nd of December, one month before the president-elect Trump gets sworn into office.

Recounts of 3 key states  have been demanded by Green Party member Jill Stein, as some of you may heard. I just wonder if these same people who supported the recount are also the same who criticized Trump for him voicing his desire of a recount as well before the primaries were decided.
(a bit on the story here, Click here). Protests are still going on over Trump's victory,  and tons of other things around the world, seems like very high times in history these days now more than ever.

With Trump becoming President next year, it's going to be very interesting and important to keep up with the changes that'll come. I found a good opinion article about how Trump should continue to tweet as he does on Twitter throughout his article.
  "Why Trump should keep tweeting when he is president"
It keeps up with the recurring topic of e-government, its a great way of reaching out to the masses easily and can further the learning of government and how people can interact and voice themselves.

Looking at past presidencies and history, I can say that our government is slowly evolving into something more developed and where citizens can participate in, or at least have more basic knowledge in. Now I am going to eat a sandwich, goodnight.

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