Friday, November 4, 2016

The Reopening of the Clinton Email Case


              Last month, the FBI decided to reopen the case on the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email scandal. Never a better time than any, one month before the national elections take place in deciding whether our nation's next president it Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

This election has been a monumental one so far with the fact that our next president will either be the first woman or the first man with no history of public service or gov't service. If you are not aware of the exact story of Clinton's email scandal, it begins like this, Anthony Weiner, a husband of one of Hillary Clinton's aides has been under fire for allegations of sexting with a minor. The FBI had discovered a private email server and network run by Clinton and her most closest advisor, Huma Abedin. This server was used to communicate between Hillarys political allies and other world leaders. Classified government information, along with the names of protected CIA agents had been found on these private servers and networks.Thousands of emails and evidence had been wiped and deleted by Clinton and her subordinates. This is indeed very fishy, why go through so much effort with nothing to hide? An article with more details and a good summary of the case exists on this link 
President Nixon was forced to resign from office in  August 9, 1974 because of less than an hour of deleted tapes surrounding the water gate scandal. Now in this internet age in 2016, thousands of emails have been deleted, and yet, we have an individual who is very close to becoming our nations next president. This is just some food for thought which is the greater of goods based upon all the actions done by our two candidates? This election seems more like an election based upon morals of good and evil more than any in history. Only time will tell.

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